Top 5 European strip club countries

 In strip club guide we do our best to keep the best updates on clubs and also to keep the list only strip clubs. We do not list clubs that do not have a website or Facebook page, yet we cannot take responsibility for the actual facts that we present.Top 5 European strip club countries

No. 1. strip clubs in England. England has the highest number of gentlemens or lap dancing clubs called there too, you could say it is the strip club capital of Europe, in we have listed over 100 clubs that we think are worth listing, there could be more. London of course has the most gentlemens clubs in the UK and here you will find some really exclusive high class clubs, these places are known to be frequented by world famous celebrities. Some of these clubs are well-known American strip club brands that have established themselves in the UK.

No. 2 strip clubs in Germany. Germany is number 2 and they are much lower in the number of strip clubs compared to England and this is interesting because Germany is populated with over 80 million people, making it the largest country in the EU and still they are so far behind, we only have a little over 30 strip clubs listed in Germany. The clubs here vary greatly in quality, from simple small clubs with barely professional stage shows to large American-style clubs with great choreographed shows and both male and female dancers. This sets the gentlemens clubs in Germany apart from most other countries in Europe. No. 3: Strip clubs in Italy. Italy is only just below Germany in terms of the number of clubs, but here too you will find a different style. The clubs are based on commissions from drinks and private shows and often feature Italian porn stars as the main attraction in the club. This naturally has an impact on the sexual level of the shows, both on stage and in private. Italian strip clubs are known for having more sexual shows than other clubs in Europe.

No. 4 strip clubs in Czech Republic. We have just under 20 clubs listed here. Strip clubs in the Czech Republic and especially in Prague are a popular destination for stag and hen parties. They have a wide choice of high-class gentlemens clubs. With great cabaret-style stage performances and free cab service to take you to the club.

:No. 5 Strip clubs in Greece. Just below the Czech Republic in terms of the number of clubs. Greece has some very interesting gentlemen s club concepts in Athens, with large stages such as theatres and VIP rooms. In the holiday resorts, you tend to find simple strip clubs that are very seasonal. Striptease has always been popular in Greece and the strip club scene changes frequently with new clubs opening and others closing.